At CFWBC we believe that we are to PURSUE Christ-like living in everything we do. We are called to serve the Lord and glorify Him by utilizing the spiritual gifts He has blessed us with. We encourage everyone to get involved by serving God and serving others.

Some of the ways you can get involved:


The Bible teaches us that giving to the Lord expects us to give back to Him. Worship through giving by knowing that your tithes and offerings are going to further the work of the Lord and His kingdom.


The CFWBC media team focuses on using media/technology to assist in worship services and further the gospel and work of the church online. If technology is your forte, get involved with the media today to serve the Lord using the gifts He’s given you.


We are commanded to go and tell the world about Jesus. “Missions” provides us with that opportunity to fulfill the great commission. Various missions opportunities are available throughout the year. Consider serving on a missions team or providing financial or material resources for the furtherance of the gospel.

Children’s Ministry

Jesus loves the little children, and so do we! There are continuous needs on our children’s ministry team as we minister through nursery services, Sunday school, and children’s church. If your passion is working with children the CFWBC children’s ministry is the place for you!


The CFWBC Outreach team looks for ways to serve in the community in order to see souls saved, help others, and proclaim the gospel. Get involved by participating in one of the numerous activities and/or events that are scheduled throughout the year.

Prayer Team

At CFWBC we realize the importance of prayer as the driving force for all of our services, events, fellowship, and discipleship. If you feel passionate about the power of prayer and the importance of prayer in our church please consider joining the CFWBC prayer team.


The CFWBC worship team consists of talented individuals who are willing to give their talents to the Lord to bring Him glory. Has God gifted you in the area of music/singing? Get involved with the music team today to use your talents for the Lord.

Small Groups

Small groups help us stay engaged and connected as a church. We encourage everyone to participate in a small group. Perhaps you’re feeling led to host a small group in your home. Has God given you the gift of hospitality and of teaching? If so, hosting a small group is a great ministry for you.


Let us get to know you and find ways to pursue Jesus by serving and getting involved.